Innovation Management in Living Lab Projects: The Innovatrix Framework. Technology Innovation Management Review, 9(3): 63-73.
2019. Schuurman_et_al_TIMReview_March2019.pdf (596.03 KB)A Framework for Field Testing in Living Lab Innovation Projects. Technology Innovation Management Review, 8(12): 40-50.
2018. Coorevits_et_al_TIMReview_December2018.pdf (627.18 KB)A Taxonomy of Factors Influencing Drop-Out Behaviour in Living Lab Field Tests. Technology Innovation Management Review, 8(5): 5-21.
2018. Download this article as a PDF (1.11 MB)Overcoming Barriers to Experimentation in Business-to-Business Living Labs. Technology Innovation Management Review, 7(2): 20-26.
2017. Download this article as a PDF (581.62 KB)Factors Affecting the Attrition of Test Users During Living Lab Field Trials. Technology Innovation Management Review, 6(1): 35-44.
2016. Download this article (749.86 KB)