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Author Title Type [ Year] Filters: Author is Marina Z. Solesvik [Clear All Filters]
Hybrid Entrepreneurship: How and Why Entrepreneurs Combine Employment with Self-Employment. Technology Innovation Management Review, 7(3): 33-41. http://doi.org/10.22215/timreview/1063
2017. Download this article as a PDF (876.71 KB)Innovation on the Open Sea: Examining Competence Transfer and Open Innovation in the Design of Offshore Vessels. Technology Innovation Management Review, 5(9): 17-22. http://doi.org/10.22215/timreview/926
2015. Download this article (344.59 KB)Partner Selection for Open Innovation. Technology Innovation Management Review, 3(4): 11-16. http://doi.org/10.22215/timreview/674
2013. Download this article (499.61 KB)