September 2018 Download this article as a PDF

Welcome to the September 2018 issue of the Technology Innovation Management Review. The authors in this issue share insights on repairing trust in R&D partnerships, the relationship between marketing needs and actions in entrepreneurial marketing, defining transnational entrepreneurship, assessing the impact of business intelligence on export performance, and applying the lean startup methodology to the commercialization process.

In the first article, Anna Brattström from Lund University in Sweden provides an actionable framework for dealing with trust violations in R&D partnerships. Based on a review of relevant literature and real-life examples illustrating how trust can be rebuilt in partnerships, the author provides a framework and checklists to help firms deal with trust violations when they occur and choose a strategy to rebuild trust over time.

Next, Mika Westerlund from Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada, and Seppo Leminen from Pellervo Economic Research and Aalto University in Helsinki, Finland, investigate the relationship between marketing needs and actions in entrepreneurial marketing. Their study showed that entrepreneurial interpretation of the environment is important as it results in various marketing actions. However, the authors also argue that both the research and practice of entrepreneurial marketing should put more emphasis on monitoring and understanding changes and opportunities in a competitive situation.

In the third article, Eduardo Bailetti from Carleton University’s Technology Innovation Management program identifies the distinctive features of transnational entrepreneurship and offers a new definition to help companies grow at an early stage. The author developed this new definition and identified the distinctive features by examining existing definitions of transnational entrepreneurship and using topic modelling to discover themes in the relevant literature.

Then, Michael Neubert from the International School of Management in Paris, France, and Augustinus Van der Krogt from Universidad Paraguayo Alemana in San Lorenzo, Paraguay, study the use and impact of business intelligence on the ability of software firms from emerging economies to globalize successfully. Through their analysis of in-depth interviews with founders, shareholders, and CEOs of Paraguayan software firms – and using the Uppsala internationalization process model as a theoretical framework – the authors share insights about the impact of business intelligence on the export performance of firms attempting to globalize from within an emerging economy.

Finally, Saheed Gbadegeshin from the Turku School of Economics in Finland presents a new framework for commercializing high technologies that draws upon the lean startup methodology. This framework, called “lean commercialization”, was developed from a case study of technology-based companies and by interviewing commercialization experts. The article outlines the benefits of the framework and provides a procedure for its application in practice.

For future issues, we are accepting general submissions of articles on technology entrepreneurship, innovation management, and other topics relevant to launching and growing technology companies and solving practical problems in emerging domains.

Please contact us with potential article topics and submissions, and proposals for future special issues.

Chris McPhee

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Keywords: commercialization, emerging economies, entrepreneurial marketing, export, globalization, lean, partnerships, transnational entrepreneurship, trust